Prayer Works


If you ever get to a place in your life where you feel like something is missing, it’s probably a connection problem: you are disconnected from God and too connected to the world. Prayer and fasting can have a powerful impact on setting your life back on track.

Prayer connects us to God.

The more time you spend with something or someone, the more confidence you build in it. The same is true for God. The more time you spend with God, the more your faith in Him will grow.

Next Steps

Prayer Requests

Request Prayer
Our team would love to pray for you and whatever is happening in your life right now. You can request prayer online or by filling out a prayer card at any of our services.
21 Days of Prayer
21 Days of Prayer
Every January and August, we spend 21 days seeking God through prayer.
We have seen our church and countless lives be impacted by these focused seasons of prayer, and it would be our honor for you to join us.
Saturday Morning Prayer
Saturday Morning Prayer
Every Saturday morning, we gather to pray for our Sunday services from 9:00am to 10:00am.

Prayer Small Groups

Prayer Small Groups
If you want to learn more about prayer or foster a lifestyle of prayer in your life, join a prayer small group. Whether you are just learning to pray, or if you feel called to prayer ministry, prayer small groups are a great way to connect with others and see God work through prayer.

Service Prayer

Service Prayer
For those who feel called to make a difference through prayer, our Prayer Dream Team prays during Sunday services for the people attending and those leading. To learn more about how to serve on the Prayer Dream Team, attend the Highlands Growth Track.